Big Dick Chance an Big Dick J should get scissor hooked up deep so I can let my Big cock Dick hang right next to his cock , his cheeks are solid like mine and we both have some Big man feet id seriously lay on top of him and we'd be sunk up an our ankles locked up together id introduce my muscular cheeks to his cheeks face to face an his heels would be having a party. Id enjoy myself.
If i scissor hooked up on him perfectly with my solid flat cheeks and his he'd instantly turn into a gurl wanna lock ankles and get deeper we'd never separate our cheeks would look like 2 flat pancakes our cheeks would be hooked up deep and loose his gurl cheeks would be moving side to side EZ dusted
He's got small farm boy cheeks and big feet like myself I'd sink myself up with dude we'd lock hips and ankles deep between each others cheeks id gain control of his Feet and cheeks sn and get in deep to get in some solid face with on him EZ