When I was eleven I liked to go in the woods and take off my clothes walk around naked.One day when I was in woods I watch two older boys having sex, it excited me as I hid in the bushes when they were finished one of the boys pissed in the others mouth I came from behind the bushes naked and they fondled my little cock and balls fingered my ass and I sucked on their cocks.Made me a total fag.
P.S. I can enjoy turning on as a femdom, and fucking the hell out of feminine men, to the point of, publically called, "perverse" acts. I can also enjoy making sensuous love afterward. Stuff that in your G-String.
Ginellis: Enjoying same sex can be awesome, but your homosexual bias glares when you try to teach males "to refuse vagina at all costs" (followed by self serving diatribe). If not for penis in vagina, you or any of us wouldn't exist. Humans are the only animal capable of CHOOSING what we think, and what we do for recreation and we sometimes CHOOSE sex. Genetic, or by DNA, true homosexuals ONLY have no natural attraction to penis/vaginal penetration. Long live gender free recreational sex!!!
That's BS!!! Gay or Lesbian have a certain mindset and lifestyle. Recreational sex without regard for gender is entirely different, and has nothing to do with manhood! Way more women have recreational same sex because we kmow it isn't about image and other social BS. It can be the best and most memorable sex we ever have. The porn industry is full of sh*t.